
Biology & Medicine
Computer Science
Social Sciences
Physics & Engineering

Biology & Medicine

Dr. Ilany Amiyaal

Prof. Erez Levanon

Prof Ron Unger

Prof. Yaron Orenstein

Prof. Lee Koren

Prof. Yanay Ofran

Prof. Sol Efroni

Dr. Keren Agay-Shay

Dr. Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern



Prof. Hanoch Senderowitz

Prof. Dan Thomas Major


Prof. Gal Chechik


Computer Science

Prof. Yoav Goldberg

Prof. Sarit Kraus

Prof. Ido Dagan

Prof. Yaron Orenstein

Prof. Ely Porat

Dr. Yael Amsterdamer

Prof. David (Dudy) Sarne

Dr. Oren Glickman

Social Sciences

Prof. Roy Gelbard

Dr. Ariel Rosenfeld

Dr. Noam Goldberg

Dr. Dana Atzil-Slonim

Dr. Alon Bartal

Dr. Orit Rotem

Dr. Roni Ramon-Gonen

Dr. Yogev Kivity

Dr. Ilanit Gordon

Prof. Onn Shehory, Director

Dr. Yuval Hadas

Prof. David Schwartz

Dr. Alon Raviv

Prof. Itamar Lensky



Dr. Ori Aronson

Dr. Ayelet Sela

Prof. Oren Perez

Dr. Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov


Prof. Yoram Louzoun

Dr. Simcha (Simi) Haber

Prof. Reuven Cohen

Dr. Baruch Barzel

Physics & Engineering

Prof. Amir Leshem

Dr. Ofir Lindenbaum

Dr. Tomer Kalisky

Prof. Yaari Gur

Dr. Hillel Kugler

Prof. Shlomo Havlin

Prof. Sharon Gannot

Prof. Jacob Goldberger


Dr. Avshalom Elmalech

Dr. Yoel Greenberg

Prof. Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet

Dr. Avi Shmidman

Open Position: Data Scientist for DSI

Send CV to dsi.jobs@biu.ac.il Job Description: We are seeking a skilled and versatile Data Scientist to join our team. As a Data Scientist, you will play a critical role in leveraging data-driven insights to solve complex problems. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams, engage with academic researchers, and work closely with industry clients to deliver … Read more

DSI Outstanding Publication Award Winners

Name Department Degree Advisor(s) Venue Title Arie Cattan Computer Science PHD Ido Dagan ACL 2023 From Key Points to Key Point Hierarchy: Structured and Expressive Opinion Summarization Ariel Alexi Information Science MS Dr. Ariel Rosenfeld, Dr. Teddy Lazebnik Computational Economics Microfounded Tax Revenue Forecast Model with Heterogeneous Population and Genetic Algorithm Approach Avi Caciularu Computer … Read more

DSI Outstanding Publication Award  

April, 2023  Overview  The DSI at BIU would like to recognize and reward exceptional work in the area of data science that resulted in a significant contribution to the field. The award will be open to all students in the university who have recently published an academic publication in the field of data science in … Read more

Data Science Institute manager at Bar-Ilan University

The Data Science Institute (DSI) at Bar Ilan University is an academic-research institute, whose mission is to promote scientific research in data science and the use of data science methods in all research fields in the academy and the industry. The institute works to integrate the use of data science in research in the various … Read more

DSI Updates – March 2023

DSI Welcome Onn Shehory We are thrilled to announce that Professor Onn Shehory has taken over the role of Director of the Data Science Institute. Professor Shehory has an impressive track record of research in artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, and machine learning, and we are excited to see him bring his expertise to the Institute. … Read more

DSI Call for Travel Grants 2023 (תשפ”ג)

The Data Science Institute at Bar-Ilan University Call publication: January, 2023  Objectives BIU DSI would like to enhance the visibility of data science research at BIU and to promote the education and career of young students. Therefore, we are opening this call to provide travel grants to encourage the active participation of students in top-tier … Read more

Oracle for Research

Oracle Israel is working with Bar-Ilan University in order to create a research community that brings about positive change in the world by advancing research through cloud computing. Oracle approaches this through a program of direct support and community engagement. Direct Support is achieved through the provision of Oracle for Research grants.  The program provides … Read more

כנס מיקרוסופט לחדשנות במחקר אקדמי 2023

הנכם מוזמנים לכנס מיקרוסופט לחדשנות במחקר אקדמי 2023, בשיתוף מחב”א. מהרו להירשם, המקומות מוגבלים, ניתן לשתף עם חוקרים נוספים. כנס מיקרוסופט לחדשנות במחקר אקדמי 2023

List of DSI grant winners – TASHPAB

The competitive call received 20 submissions by 26 PIs from 13 Departments – demonstrating the broad and diverse reach of the DSI. 11 projects by 19 PIs were accepted and granted a total of 1,100,000₪ while generating many new collaborations. The list of accepted grants: PIs Title Prof. Yoram Louzoun (Math) Prediction with very high … Read more

Open Student Position

Seeking a student to work on a research project in the social sciences under the lead of Dr. Shlomit Flint Ashery. Job availability: Imidiate Flexible work hours and environment. Required knowledge: R and basic Data Analysis skills GIS – an advantage For details – contact: shlomit.flint-ashery@adi-lazar