Bringing static networks to life. We translate complex network data into dynamic behavior. So what can your network do?
Spatio-temporal network dynamics. How does information spread in a nonlinear complex network.Can we predict where and when you signal will be observed next?
Flow. The pathways of information flow in a network expose the dynamic backbone of the system. The crucial pathways may not be the first ones that come to mind.
Protein music. How does a network process external signals? View how an eco-system responds to temperature peeks or listen to protein interactions respond to Mozart.
Peeking into the black box. Using empirical data to reverse engineer the inner dynamics of a complex network.
Universal resilience patterns in complex networks | Nature 530, 307 (2016)
Spectrum of controlling and observing complex networks | Nature Physics 11, 779 (2015)
Constructing minimal models for complex system dynamics | Nature Communications 6, 7186 (2015)
Universality in network dynamics | Nature Physics 9, 673-681 (2013)
Network link prediction by global silencing of indirect correlations | Nature Biotechnology 31, 720–725 (2013)
Spatio-temporal network dynamics. How does information spread in a nonlinear complex network.Can we predict where and when you signal will be observed next?
Flow. The pathways of information flow in a network expose the dynamic backbone of the system. The crucial pathways may not be the first ones that come to mind.
Protein music. How does a network process external signals? View how an eco-system responds to temperature peeks or listen to protein interactions respond to Mozart.
Peeking into the black box. Using empirical data to reverse engineer the inner dynamics of a complex network.